At Moniks Care Services Limited, we strive to support the government initiative for individualised services and support clients so as to reduce reliance on residential care in order for them to take control of their lives.
Supported Living accommodation often means that clients are tenants in their own home, either on their own or with a group of people, and receive the support they need to live there. This can range from a few hours a week to 24 hours a day depending on the needs of the clients. We have specialist skills in supporting young and adults with learning disabilities who have additional needs such as autism, sensory impairments, complex health needs, and mental health issues.
We work with many estate agents and private landlords to find our clients appropriate accommodation in all London and Kent areas. We work effectively and jointly with families to ensure that their views are taken into consideration when working with their loved ones.
Our support staff are from variety of backgrounds and have a range of skills and experiences to offer. We are trained in using media to act as advocate for our clients to ensure our clients are involved in making decisions about their lives. (Including but not limited to using words, signs, music, videos, symbols, PECs (picture exchange communication system) and assistive technology like touch screen, etc). We are able to meet our clients’ communication needs and will seek professional help if necessary.
Our supported living accommodation are registered and regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).